Opening of the 2024 season

25.-26.5.2024 – Invitation – Season Opening 2024 and Mauerbach Cartouche Open Days Demonstrations of traditional craft techniques, show restorations, specialist advice, children’s program and much more. ADMISSION FREE Program and more information here!  

Next Master of Science of Restorers

16.-17.4.2024 – Next Master of Science of Parquet Restorers – It is great to be able to share your knowledge and experience with future Masters of Science in the professional field of Parquet Restoration. The desire to learn, to try, to discover the know-how of old historical techniques, which, by the way, can be used for modern design and creation. This is the shared knowledge that is already making the students of this course Masters […]

Hot seminar with hot glues

15.4.2024 – At the Faculty of Wood Technology and Creative Industries in Sopron, Maďarsko, students had the opportunity to learn about details and know-how by work with the hot glues in the restoration of historic parquet floors or in the creative surface treatments. The university’s lecture room was transformed into a practical workshop where students could try out bone, hide or rabbit glue on real historic floors. The lecture was given by Mrs. Michaela Reichlová, […]


DOMOTEX on Stage 13.01.2024 – it is you, friends, our participants, who have done a good and great job on all WORKCAMP PARQUET projects. Already since 2016. At DOMOTEX on Stage we were able to talk about your work, motivation for our beautiful parquet craft and sharing. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

Day Reporter Fino Oficio – 1 day

Day reporter Fino Reporter day 1 at Workcamp Parquet by Fino Oficio Ao longo do dia vamos fazer vários vidros em Português para que os nossos conterrâneos possam acompanhar este projecto maravilhoso. Obrigado por nos acompanharem nesta viagem… We are making the reporter day 1 Workcamp Parquet and we will post throughout the day several videos not only in Portuguese but also in English for all our followers around the world.

What’s going on?

What’s going on? The first images from the preparation for the upcoming project WORKCAMP PARQUET 2023, Bishop’s Palace Gyor, Hungary. Soon, 1.- 9.09.2033 – 32 parquet workers from all over the world will meet in these rooms to restore the floor in this palace. Now, colleagues and friends from Hungary are recycling the existing wooden floor into baseboards for the future parquets. Zoltán Molnár René Caran Stáb Parketta Budapest – Veszprém – Diósd Swiss Parkett […]